We are looking for new Trustees

Do you have passion, commitment and zeal not just to find out more about Milton Keynes but also to be play a part in one of the City’s most iconic features? Becoming a Milton Keynes Rose Trustee could be just for you.

Ten years since the Milton Keynes Rose first opened (9th November 2013), we are looking for new people to join the Board of Trustees to continue the engagement and development of the Milton Keynes Rose.

With relevant experience and time you could be an ideal Trustee.  You can find out more about becoming a Trustee of The MIlton Keynes Rose Trust by downloading our Trustee Pack (see below) and if you would like to arrange an informal phone conversation prior to submitting an application,  please contact debbie.brock100@gmail.com

We look forward to welcoming you!
Debbie Brock DL
The Milton Keynes Rose Trust

How to apply

To apply please provide the following:
• A letter of application outlining how you meet the person specification
• A CV & Biography outlining your roles, responsibilities & achievements.
Please include details of any service as a Board Trustee or any other voluntary/community work
• Contact details and address
• Name of two Referees

Please e-mail your application to debbie.brock100@gmail.com

Please note that certain individuals are not eligible to act as Trustees.
You will be ineligible if;
1. You have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or deception
2. You are currently declared as bankrupt, subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order
3. You have an individual arrangement to pay off debts with creditors
4. You are disqualified from becoming a company director
5. You have previously been removed as a Trustee by either the Charity Commission or the High Court due to misconduct or mismanagement
6. You are under 18 years of age