April 2024

In celebration of William Cowper Day on 26 April, Tom Jones, Chairman of the Cowper & Newton Museum, Olney has provided the Milton Keynes Rose with a reading William Cowper’s poem “On a spaniel called Beau killing a young bird”. The poem was recorded specially for the Milton Keynes Rose which contains a pillar to mark William Cowper Day. To watch the video click here

William Cowper (1731-1800), pronounced “Cooper”, is a renowned 18th century poet, letter writer and translator of Homer. His most famous works include his 5000-line poem ‘The Task’ and he coined such phrases as ‘Variety is the spice of life’ which are still in popular use today. You can find out more by visiting the Cowper & Newton Museum in Olney www.cowperandnewtonmuseum.org.uk