“I most enjoyed being part of a great team which, working within defined parameters, was encouraged to get on with the job of helping to create a new city. The healthy obsession was with outputs – with attracting new companies and getting house builders to ‘up their game’ on quality. It was not about process. For most of my time at the ‘Corp’ – and particularly when central government just let us get on with the job – MKDC was a great place to work. During my tenure, the two Chairmen and two Chief Executives all knew the value of leadership, empowerment and accountability.”
Bob Hill worked at the Development Corporation (MKDC) for twenty years, from its early period in 1972 until the Corporation completed its tenure in 1992. He started out as a Surveyor taking on various positions, but his last role from 1983 was as Commercial Director which included membership of the Executive Management Committee of the Corporation, and Property Advisor to the Board and Financial Policy Committee. Bob was responsible for acquiring land and ensuring a ready supply of land and buildings for industrial, office and retail concerns – which underpinned job generation. This in turn encouraged housebuilding which fed through to the need for facilities. These – when commercially unviable like sporting facilities and accommodation for the voluntary sector – were provided as part of much larger commercial developments. Demand was generated by a sophisticated marketing programme primarily in the UK but also in northern Europe, the USA and Japan. He is particularly proud of the ‘red balloon’ ad which was commissioned by his team.