May 2025
The Milton Keynes Rose will be commemorating VE80 on Thursday 8 May 8.30pm-9.25pm to mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. The event will be followed by a procession to the Beacon in Campbell Park which will be lit at 9.30pm as part of the National Beacon lighting – the Lamp Lights of Peace for VE80.
The event at the Rose will start with a moment of reflection followed by a short performance programme which will include a dance performance from the local Ukraine community, readings, and choirs.
Everyone is welcome to join us for this event. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
January 2025
Holocaust Memorial Day Event – 26 January 2025
*Please note that due to the adverse weather forecast for Sunday 26 January, this event will now take place at 3pm in the Worship Area, the Church of Christ the Cornerstone and not at the MK Rose.*
The annual Holocaust Memorial Event at the Milton Keynes Rose in Campbell Park will take place this year on Sunday 26 January at 3 p.m.
The event will involve music and readings relating to the Holocaust and will include the laying of 80 candles to mark the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp on 27 January 1945.
This is a free event and will last approximately 25 minutes. No booking necessary. All welcome.
January 2025
The city’s Corporate Pancake Day Race is back for another year where teams race and flip their pancakes to win the coveted engraved frying pan. Local companies had ‘batter’ hurry if they want to secure a place!
Organised as a fun event to raise money for the Milton Keynes Rose Trust, the traditional race takes place at Campbell Park on Tuesday 4 March from 11.30am. Teams are invited to sign up and compete for the title of ‘MK Corporate Pancake Day Race Winner’, an accolade currently held by Smith Jenkins. Plus, this year will see the welcome return of a Para-Pancake Race, following the successful debut in 2023.
Continue reading “MK Businesses invited to sign up for the Corporate Pancake Race 2025”December 2024
The MK Rose pillar 13 December 2009 Unsung Hero Day celebrates Doreen Adcock BEM being voted the Unsung Hero at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Awards.
This year on 13 December, we are taking the opportunity to celebrate some of our Unsung Local Heroes who have made a difference to the City and local communities.
Unsung Local Hero – Beverley Calverley
The Great Linford Parish Council informed the residents of Redhouse Park that section 106 money for local arts for their community had not been spent. Beverley Calverley, a resident of Redhouse Park, set about forming a committee, and created the ROCLA Art Project. She sought partnerships and undertook consultations with residents to develop an artist brief. Several artists were appointed to create a variety of public art in the community that reflects the nature, magic and location of the area; it is interactive and educational, focusing on wildlife. This initiative, led by Beverley, supported by volunteers is a legacy for its residents and the city of Milton Keynes.
Continue reading “Celebrating Unsung Local Hero – Beverley Calverley”November 2024
Following a public call out for nominations for the next MK Rose Pillar, the Independent Pillar Panel met in October. Having considered all the nominations, the Panel was unanimous in choosing Milton Keynes’ City Status 20 May 2022 for the next Pillar dedication.
We had a fantastic response with 30 different nominations for dates significant to the lives of people or organisations associated with Milton Keynes. The Panel was thrilled by the number and variety of the nominations received and the level of interest shown by everyone who had taken time to make a nomination.
Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination recognising individuals and events that have shaped Milton Keynes. We will be looking at how we can recognise the significant dates of other nominations that were not successful on this occasion.
Continue reading “New Pillar dedication for 2025 announced”September 2024
Saturday 21 September is the International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, the theme for 2024 is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace”. There will be a short ceremony at 10 a.m. at the Milton Keynes Rose, Campbell Park to mark the date with music, dance and readings, culminating in an opportunity to commit ourselves to peace. All are welcome.
September 2024
On Friday 13 September 2024 the Living Archive MK’s new documentary film The MK Rose: The first 10 years had its inaugural screening in the Sky Room, MK Gallery.
Our thanks go to Roger Kitchen, Living Archive MK, for creating this wonderful film which tells the story of the Milton Keynes Rose in its 10th Anniversary year. The Milton Keynes Rose is a spectacular public place in Central Milton Keynes, which is available to everyone for celebration, commemoration and contemplation. This film tells the story of its genesis, its design by artist Gordon Young, its construction and its adoption by the community of Milton Keynes as a place of special significance.
We were delighted that artist Gordon Young, and his team were able to join us in a packed audience for the screening. If you would like to see the film, please click here to see the film which is now available on YouTube.
Continue reading “Heritage Open Day – Film Screening to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the MK Rose”August 2024
The Milton Keynes Rose is marking it’s tenth year since opening and nominations for a new Pillar dedication unfurling more about MK’s story are being sought now. In the past a Pillar Panel has met every two years to look at new suggestions coming forward from the community to grow and expand what’s remembered or celebrated. You can find more details about how to nominate a Pillar by clicking here
An engraving will take place in 2025 with our next engraving planned for 2030. If you can think of a date significant in the lives of people or organisations associated with Milton Keynes past or present with reasons for your nomination please send this to
The closing date for nominations is Monday 16th September 2024
Continue reading “Nominations for our next Pillar now open”July – November 2024
Our programme of events for Summer/Autumn 2024 is now available.
*Please note that the Mandela Day event will take place on Saturday 20 July at 5pm not Thursday 18 July as previously listed on the programme*.
To download our programme please click here or visit our events page for more information about our events throughout the year.
Continue reading “What’s on at the MK Rose”July 2024
On Sunday 7 July, from 12 noon to 2.30 p.m., we will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Milton Keynes Rose. The Rose was unveiled by the then Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Brian White, on 9 November 2013. Those of who were there will recall that it was wet ………very wet! So, we decided to hold our Anniversary Celebration when the weather was a bit warmer and (hopefully!) drier. We will have entertainment from Bradwell Silver Band, CrossRoots and Sheniah Asiamah. Donny and Mooey, from MK Dons, will be dropping by and the centre of the Rose will be decorated with a Crown of Flowers. There will be ice cream and tea/coffee available. And, of course, celebratory cakes!
Continue reading “Join us to celebrate 10 years of the MK Rose”June 2024
As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebratory Year for the Milton Keynes Rose on Saturday 15 June from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM at The Event Space, Milton Keynes Central Library, we are holding an archive collection event to gather and preserve memories and memorabilia related to the Milton Keynes Rose. Everyone is invited to come along and bring photographs, saved newspaper articles, postcards, any objects related to the Milton Keynes Rose or to share your memories of the Milton Keynes Rose and contribute to this important archival project.
The aim of the archive collection event is to support an archive that will be held by the Living Archive Milton Keynes, and we are delighted that Mark Niel, Milton Keynes’ Poet Laureate has written a poem for us titled The Story So Far – see below.
If you have memories and memorabilia relating to the Milton Keynes Rose, come along to help celebrate 10 years of the Milton Keynes Rose.
Continue reading “Join us to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the MK Rose”May 2024
The MK Rose is 10 years old this year and to celebrate the Trust is thrilled to announce we will be commissioning an artist or creative practice to help us celebrate. This is an exciting opportunity to creatively record the history of the MK Rose, designed by internationally renowned artist Gordon Young. The Commission will reflect the ten year journey of the MK Rose from concept to the present day and create a lasting legacy. We are keen to hear from artists or creative practices with a track record of engaging communities and creatively interpreting heritage. For further details about the Commission, measurable outcomes, budget and evaluation please click here. The closing date for expressions of interest has been extended and will now close on 5pm Monday 27 May 2024.
Continue reading “Now open – Artist Commission for the MK Rose 10th Anniversary”April 2024
In celebration of William Cowper Day on 26 April, Tom Jones, Chairman of the Cowper & Newton Museum, Olney has provided the Milton Keynes Rose with a reading William Cowper’s poem “On a spaniel called Beau killing a young bird”. The poem was recorded specially for the Milton Keynes Rose which contains a pillar to mark William Cowper Day. To watch the video click here
Continue reading “Celebrating William Cowper”March 2024
Great news for supporters of the Milton Keynes Rose. Donations up to £500 to the Milton Keynes Rose Trust have the opportunity to be match funded in the Milton Keynes Community Foundation Mad March Challenge . The challenge opens from 10am on Monday 18 March until 12pm on Sunday 31 March (or whenever the pot runs out—whichever comes first!). All donations must be made through our Localgiving fundraising platform as only donations made via Localgiving will be eligible to be matched.
Continue reading “Mad March Local Giving Challenge”March 2024
Friday 8 March 2024 is International Women’s Day and the theme for 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. The first International Women’s Day was held in March 1911. It is a day of collective global activism and celebration that belongs to all those committed to forging women’s equality. To mark the event Women in Enterprise and MK Community Foundation, in collaboration with NatWest are holding an event in support of MKCF Women’s Fund and Inspire Inclusion. The event will start at The Ridgeway Centre in the morning and move to the Milton Keynes Rose in the afternoon.
To find out more click here
March 2024
At 12 noon on Friday 1 March 2024, we will be celebrating St David’s Day, Patron Saint of Wales at the MK Rose. We are delighted to welcome, Linda Watkins who will sing the Welsh national anthem and lead an opportunity to learn to sing in Welsh. There will also be readings from Welsh poets read by students from Arts1 and traditional daffodils and Bara Brith will be distributed.
This is a free event and all are welcome to join us to wish each other a ‘Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus’ – ‘Happy St David’s Day’ in Welsh.
February 2024
Thursday, 22 February, is World Thinking Day – a day when 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world connect to shout about the things that they do.
The theme this year is Our World, Our Peaceful Future, and there will be an event at the Milton Keynes Rose in Campbell Park at 10.30 a.m. to reflect on this theme. This is a free event and all are welcome to join us.
January 2024
Holocaust Memorial Day 2024
A short event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day will be held at the Milton Keynes Rose at 2 p.m. on Saturday 27 January 2024.
The event will include readings and songs and a short silence to honour the victims of the Holocaust and subsequent genocides.
All welcome.
January 2024
The MK Rose’s annual Corporate Pancake Day Race is taking place at the MK Rose in Campbell Park on Shrove Tuesday, 13 February 2024, from 11.30am. Teams of four, from local businesses and organisations are invited to sign up and compete for the title of ‘MK Corporate Pancake Day Race Winner 2024’. This year we are also delighted to welcome the return of the Para-Pancake Race, following its successful debut last year.
Continue reading “Entries are now open for the MK Rose Corporate Pancake Race 2024”December 2023
The Milton Keynes Rose Trust are saddened by the passing of Valerie Williamson BEM. Val was a great supporter of the Milton Keynes Rose and founding member of Milton Keynes Disability Awareness Day (MKDAD) celebrated annually on July 14th at the Rose.
Saturday 17 September 2022 7pm
The Milton Keynes Rose Project team are hosting a memorial service for Her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.
There will be reflection music, readings and singing from members of Musica Charity Choir MK. Within the ceremony, you will be invited to lay a tea light candle (battery powered only) in remembrance and honour of Her late Majesty, The Queen.
Continue reading “Public Memorial Service”1st July is International Joke Day and we have a pillar at the Milton Keynes Rose marking this date. Our friends at Milton Keynes Camphill Communities have created a video sharing some of their favourite jokes, enjoy!
Friends of the Caribbean, a local charity in Milton Keynes, has achieved recognition from the Milton Keynes Rose Trust through the inscription of a pillar to celebrate the contribution of the Windrush Generation at the MK Rose, in Campbell Park, Milton Keynes. A Windrush Cricket Family Fun Day took place earlier in the month to raise funds for the pillar.
Continue reading “Friends of the Caribbean Celebrates Windrush”May 2022
A new inscription will be unveiled at the Milton Keynes Rose in Campbell Park on Wednesday 25 May 2022.
25 May is the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, an event which was instrumental in the development and spread of the Black Lives Matter movement. Following a public consultation exercise in 2021, a new pillar inscription at the Rose will mark 25 May and Black Lives Matter.
Continue reading “New Pillar to be unveiled at the Milton Keynes Rose”April 2022
An exciting programme of dance is planned for International Dance Day at the Milton Keynes Rose.
International Dance Day is celebrated on 29 April each year, and there is a plaque at the Milton Keynes Rose in Campbell Park to mark the day.
Continue reading “International Dance Day to be celebrated at the Milton Keynes Rose this April”This year, The Milton Keynes Rose have announced that they will be engraving two new pillars, adding to this civic place of remembrance situated in Campbell Park.
Continue reading “Exciting New Pillar Dedications for 2022 at The Milton Keynes Rose”Did you know the Milton Keynes Rose hosted several events in 2021? There were so many highlights;
Earlier in the year we hosted many digital commemorations including a fantastic poem and video for Valentines Day by Bard of Buckingham, Dean Jones.
Continue reading “Review of 2021”December 2021
It’s back … calling MK businesses and organisations to take part in the Milton Keynes Rose Pancake Race. Taking place on Shrove Tuesday, 1st March 2022, the Milton Keynes Rose Project Team are calling on local businesses and organisations to take on the challenge of a relay race in Campbell Park. Teams of four are invited to bring their baton (a frying pan!) and a pancake and be ready to compete for the title of MK Rose Pancake Winners!
Continue reading “Calling MK Businesses and Organisations to take part in the MK Rose Pancake Race in 2022”November 2021
Did you know that 10 years ago the first pillar was unveiled at the area now known as Milton Keynes Rose?
On 11 November 2011 the then Mayor of Milton Keynes Alan Richards unveiled the very first pillar at the first Armistice Service to be held in Campbell Park. The Armistice Day pillar commemorates the end of the First World War and the Milton Keynes Rose has hosted the service annually on this date since it’s completion in 2013.
We are pleased to share the poem written and performed at today’s service by MK Poet laureate Mark Niel.
Thundering Silence
July 2021
Several events are taking place at the Milton Keynes Rose this July. First up is ‘Never Let Me Stop’ an outdoor dance performance presented by Jean Abreu Dance & Motus Youth Dance. A collaboration between local young dancers and international choreographer Jean Abreu. Everyone is welcome to see this collaborative performance on Saturday 10 July 2021 at 4pm.
Continue reading “Exciting things planned at Milton Keynes Rose this July”1-7 June 2021
To celebrate Volunteers Week 1-7 June HM Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire Countess Howe tied a ribbon to one of our newest pillars.
Continue reading “Volunteers Week”9 April 2021
We are very saddened to hear the annoucement of the death of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. Our thoughts are with Her Majesty The Queen and the Royal Family at this sad time.
We welcome your flower tributes to be laid at the Milton Keynes Rose in memorial.
Please remember gatherings are not allowed at this time, please lay your tribute but you must adhere to social distancing guidelines.
Continue reading “HRH The Duke of Edinburgh”March 2021
It’s the Milton Keynes Community Foundation Mad March Challenge from 10am on 15 March 2021 until 12pm on 26 March 2021 🌿
Donations up to £500 to the Milton Keynes Rose through our Local Giving can be matched, please get donating as soon as you can after 10am on 15th March 2021 so your donation can be matched.
Continue reading “Mad March Local Giving Challenge”21 March 2021
To celebrate #WorldPoetryDay today (21 March) we are pleased to share this collaboration from local poets, Vanessa Horton Jonklaas, Andy Powell, Rachael White, Paul Moss, The Bard of Buckingham Dean Jones and MK Poet Laureate Mark Niel
Continue reading “World Poetry Day 2021”February 2021
‘This Rose Is For You’ Poem for Valentine’s Day by Dean Jones, Bard of Buckingham.
Filmed by Jonanthan Taylor, Director of Photography at Aniseed Photo
27 January 2021 “Be The Light In The Darkness”
Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 is Wednesday 27 January, the day for everyone to remember the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust under Nazi persecution and in subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Dafur.
Continue reading “Holocaust Memorial Day 2021”January 2021
We are very sorry to hear about the passing of one of MK’s great Founders, Ken Baker whose life and achievements are celebrated on the Milton Keynes Rose Founders Roll.
Continue reading “Remembering ‘MK Founder’ Ken Baker”31 December marks the day when the first DB4 manufactured by Aston Martin Lagonda Limited, based in Newport Pagnell was registered in 1958.
Earlier in 2020 the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire Andrew Farncombe and the Mayor of MK Andrew Geary visited the site of Aston Martin in Newport Pagnell and both shared video messages to commemorate this important date in manufacturing history for the new city.
Continue reading “Digital Commemoration for DB4 Day”June 2020
World Refugee Day will be marked on Saturday 20th June 2020 with a new Pillar being unveiled at the Milton Keynes Rose. Refugees Welcome MK have held gatherings at the Milton Keynes Rose in previous years to mark the date. Now having sought dedication for a World Refugee Day Pillar, they are set to unveil it this weekend with the help of MK Mayor Councillor Andrew Geary and the Chair of Refugees Welcome MK, Revd Tim Norwood
Continue reading “New Pillar – World Refugee Day to be Unveiled”
Press Release from Refugees Welcome Milton Keynes
On Saturday 20th June 2020 a new commemorative pillar was unveiled at the Milton Keynes Rose to Celebrate World Refugee Day. It was unveiled by the Mayor, Councilor Andrew Geary. He said that he is proud to represent a diverse city that welcomes those in need.
The pillar has been installed with help from the Milton Keynes Community Foundation and the Cenotaph Trust.
Continue reading “World Refugee Day Pillar Unveiled by Milton Keynes Mayor”
At a time when volunteers have been needed more than ever and have quite literally saved lives, Milton Keynes has honoured its volunteers who have worked not just in the last few weeks but for decades.
Kicking off Volunteers’ Week, The Mayor of Milton Keynes Cllr Andrew Geary unveiled a new Pillar at the Milton Keynes Rose to mark the annual week. The Pillar inscribed with a quote from Mahatma Gandhi says “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.
Continue reading “New Mayor Unveils Volunteers Pillar – June 2020”
May 2020
Three new granite pillars will be engraved this week at the Milton Keynes Rose, this is made possible by a successful funding raising campaign and a grant from MK Community Foundation.
The new pillars were chosen by the pillar panel, chaired by Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, Lord-Lieutenant for Buckinghamshire. This panel meets every other year to decide a new pillar engraving from the submissions received from the community groups.
Continue reading “New pillars to be engraved at the Milton Keynes Rose “